What Is Synthetic Underlayment
Synthetic Underlayment is extremely important to your New Roofing System’s weather defenses. Water, while life giving, can be life draining once it is on your roof. You see water:
Seeks to infiltrate every opening on your roof
Rots wood
Puddles in low lying areas
Can tear if there is enough force behind it’s movement whether:
Running downhill
Being blown by wind
Turns to ice if cold enough
-Weighs down weak structures
-Expands every crack it moves into
-Can destroy material it is sliding or flowing over
So, water is one of the most valuable resources on the planet, but if you don’t protect your roof against water, it will wear away your material, cause rot, and can freeze up which causes even more concerns. Most importantly, IT WILL COST YOU MONEY!
Types of Roof Underlayment
When it comes to underlayment on a roof, there are several choices you can make.
-15 & 30lb
-Higher quality
Let’s look at each of these individually.
Felt Underlayment is a mat base that is saturated and treated with tar so that it forms a pliable waterproof surface. There are 2 basic types of Felt Underlayment.
15lb Felt
This number is a reflection of weight per square. A 10’ x 10’ section of felt underlayment
used to weigh 15 pounds. Improved tech and application now can make that figure as low
as 7.5
30lb Felt
Obviously, this number represented the heavier felt which offered more protection due to
it’s double thickness. Once 30lbs a square these days can weigh as little as 16lbs with the
same amount of protection against the wind and water.
Since the mid-90s, felt underlayment has been a staple of most roofing systems. It is still available and has many benefits.
It serves its number one function in that it’s water resistant
It is less expensive than synthetic underlayment
It was the most commonly used underlayment and as such is readily available
It costs less than synthetic material
On the flip side, and like anything in the construction world, felt underlayment also has its disadvantages.
It has a much shorter longevity than synthetic underlayment
It can bubble in heat and can become brittle after the heat and cold of climates with all the seasons
It sometimes requires and additional layer of material called a slip sheet
It is flammable
So felt is a viable albeit, less and less used form of Roofing System Underlayment.
Synthetic Underlayment is a material that is produced by polyethylene or polypropylene being interlaced with woven or spun strands. It comes in multiple thicknesses and materials.
It is water resistant
It last longer than felt underlayment
It holds up under extreme weather conditions
It retains and reflects less heat
It is lighter weight but tougher material
It is walkable and doesn’t wrinkle
It is recyclable
So what are the disadvantages of synthetic underlayment?
It is more expensive than felt
As you can see synthetic underlayment has very few disadvantages. It makes the most sense for your New Roofing System and offers so many pluses that in today’s world there is little reason to go with any other kind of material.
That Covers Underlayment
One thing is for sure synthetic underlayment is a must have for the modern-day New Roof. So whether installing a roof replacement or putting on a new roofing system, check out more about Synthetic Underlayment.
If you want to talk to a roofing contractor that can answer your questions directly, call True Line Roofing and set up a Complimentary Inspection 270.978.0239